About the Mamas

Working women by day, attached mamas by night.  We want to have it all!  We started this blog to help support other working moms who might be struggling, like we do, to find the balance between motherhood and climbing the corporate ladder.  We want to show the world that it’s possible to practice attachment parenting and work full time outside the home.  We want to help other moms find ways to make attachment parenting work for them in their hectic lives.

Current Contributors


Cynthia, a Texan, is married to a wonderful Navy Reservist, has three amazing children, and an English Spotted Rabbit named Cutie.  She works for a local major University as an event planner and owns a wedding event planning business in beautiful Camarillo, CA.  She loves all things romantic, beautiful, and expensive (who doesn’t, right?).  In her free time, she spends it with her family doing different activities and exploring the world.

Past Contributors


Molly, also a Texan, lives in Ventura, CA with her goofball husband, two crazy daughters, 1 dog, and 9 fish.  Molly also works for corporate America (The Man), but thinks of herself as a closet hippy.  She loves cooking, gardening, getting outside, and going on adventures with her family.  She loves finding new ways to “go green” and is studying in hopes of becoming a La Leche League leader in the future.  She blogs about pregnancy and parenting at Knocked Up – Knocked Over.


Brynn, a native Mid-Westerner with California roots, currently lives in the Chicago suburbs with her wicked smart toddler, sweet hubs, and two terriers. Besides being a mom, She spends 50+ hours per week with her other dream-job at a Fortune 500 company so her husband can stay home to raise their daughter. If sleep didn’t get in the way, Brynn would spend every moment cooking new recipes, sewing little dresses, restoring her 1927 Craftsman home and teaching her daughter new songs. You can read about Brynn’s adventure in exploring yummy, easy meals for other working families at her blog Working Mommy Recipes. Enjoy!

Contact us on facebook, twitter, here on the blog, or via email at MamasatWork@gmail.com

18 responses to “About the Mamas

  1. I would love to hear more about how you handle leaving your children everyday to go to work.

  2. i like reading about different parenting styles… we like taking what works for us from all the different styles.

  3. I’d like to read about making the decision to have kids when you have a steady job. I feel like a lot of couples try to “wait” for the right time in their careers. Any thoughts on this?

    • You know this is sort of interesting. I hadn’t really thought much about this until I read this question but maybe I have a unique perspective. Not many people have the experience of having children at different times in the career….but I do..lol. I am a physicist with a 19 year old and a 1 year old. When I just started out, I felt a ton a pressure since most college grads didn’t seem to have kids and were always available. Now that I’m older, I stress because I have so much more responsibility and I need to put in more time to take care of it. So, sure you have to consider you’re career but I wouldn’t let it be big driver. Just my unsolicited two cents I’ve learned. 🙂

    • Hi Donna! Stay tuned as we have some different DIY posts coming in the future. Are you interested in cooking, crafts, etc?

  4. I recently contemplated having a personal boudoir photo set taken of me. Being a mom of age 34 I’m not sure if it would be appropriate for someone like me to do that. What are your thoughts?

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